Thursday, 16 November 2006

Some of my friends

A Night out after the South West Canoe Show
Where else would we all end up but TimePiece!!

Me and Ewart keeping ourselves entertained at work!!
Dan - What more can I say - I think the pic says it all!!


Me in my shiny new Project 45 trying to learn to cartwheel during the summer it took alot of time and energy! I spent many nights after work practicing by myself and with my friends helping me (cheers guys).

Almost there!!

I did get there in the end, by the end of the summer I was managing to get 2 ends most times, so the practicing paid off. Dunno if I can still do it now though, its been a while, lol!!

Saturday, 4 November 2006


Hey, i've just made this blog. Hopefully should be more stuff apearing on here soon, keep checking back
