Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Sea Kayaking at Meadfoot Beach

We had a new demo boat at work which i wanted to test, so i took the P & H Delphin 150 and Andy paddled the Delphin 155. The conditions were a little rough but as we didn't want to drive to far we settled on getting in at Meadfoot beach and just paddling round the islands (Thatchers Rock and the Ore Stone). It was fairly choppy but the Delphin's handled it really well. There not super fast boats, but then only being 15' and 15.5' i didn't expect them to be as quick as say a Scorpio, but they didn't seem slow either. They were stable and forgiving, we really felt like they looked after us. The Delphin is a boat that is really worth looking at if you want a sea kayak, but your looking for something thats going to look after you. I'd feel more than happy to use these kayaks paddling round the coast and taking pictures.

More details can be found on the AS Website, both sizes are available to try and i would really recommend giving them ago. The Delphin 150 is one of the most comfortable, enjoyable sea kayaks i have paddled.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Kayaking - Lower Dart Buckfast to Staverton

As my brother and new housemate were both keen to get out on the water. We decided to head out on the lower with a few friends for some extra help and company.

Netta rather excited about her first trip down the Dart


We also decided to stop half way down for a bit of throwline and rescue practice. We practiced general throwline use and safety, live baiting a unconscious casualty and active swimming. Something that becomes all to complacent on occasional trips with friends.

Practicing rescuing an unconscious casualty

Throwline re-packing

Andy making sure everything is ok!

Dan paddling so fast you can't even see his blades

Both my brother and our new housemate managed to remain upright the entire trip and had a great time. Then it was back for a yummy carvery at the Dartmoor Motel, where we all ate way to much and then went home for a well deserved rest on the sofa!