Me, Andy and Ewart fancied a spot of kayaking over the weekend, with no water sea kayaking seemed the best idea. We went to look at paddling the teign estuary first but it was so windy we decided that it wouldn't be a good idea, we then headed to the Dart and got on by the rowing club in Totnes.
Andy and Ewart looking at all the birds |
The tide was out when we got on, but was on its way back in, so we decided to head down and see how we got on, atleast if we had enough and headed back the tide would be with us.
Lots of birds |
We managed to make it down to Stoke Gabriel, we encounted a bit of river swell cause dfrom the incoming tide and the wind and ended up surfing our way down to the entrance to Stoke Gabriel, where we stopped for a bit of lunch.
Ewart and Andy |
On the way back even though the tide was going back in, the wind was so stong that it was very hard work, when we made it round the bend it eased off a little but it was a knackering paddle and i was glad to get back to the car park and be able to take a break. It was a nice paddle, but much better on a calmer day!